New rules from the European Parliament will impact trade associations lobby strategies

Did you know that lobbying the European Parliament will significantly change as of the 16th of July?

Between 6 to 9 June around 370 million people are expected to vote for the EU elections. At Kellen, we are preparing for the new European Parliament. We are ready to help our clients navigate the new legislative landscape.  

Our dedicated team has been figuring out how engaging with the Parliament will change in the next term and how to consider this change in future strategies. The new internal rules of the European Parliament have been amended and this will have a direct impact on how trade associations and other stakeholders carry out their advocacy activities with MEPs.

Photo Copyright: © European Union 2024 – Source : EP / Daina Le Lardic

The new rules named “Parliament 2024” were agreed by the European Parliament at the last Plenary Session in April 2024 and will enter into force at the first plenary session after the European elections, scheduled on 16 July 2024.  

These changes aim to streamline the structure of the committees, the bodies that carry out the preparatory work for Parliament’s plenary sittings like drawing up, amending, and adopting legislative proposals and own-initiative reports. The overall change in the structure is designed to make it more effective and efficient.

What Stands Out in Particular Includes:

  1. Improved scrutiny of the Commission: Special scrutiny hearings and ad hoc plenary sessions to ‎quiz the Commission, improved process for confirmation hearings of Commissioners-designate.
  2. Special committees will replace the current sub-committees and will focus on specific policy issues of a more horizontal nature.
  3. Ad-hoc committees will be formed to handle complex legislation and deal with broad crosscutting legislative proposals that would otherwise involve a large number of committees.

What does that mean for trade associations? These new rules will likely reduce the opportunities for engagement with MEPs, as fewer MEPs will be working on each political file. However, those MEPs will more than ever need the specialised knowledge, expertise, and detailed information on the dossier at stake that trade associations can provide.

Do you want to know more about how the outcome of the upcoming EU elections could impact your corporation or the trade associations you are members of? Contact us directly via:

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