The Changing Political Landscape
Post-Election Policy Shifts: Key Issues for 2025
Following the 2024 presidential and congressional elections, there remain many questions and uncertainties regarding the potential short- and long-term impacts. Potential changes to federal agency staff, the structure of federal agencies, and federal policy priorities are all on the table. Kellen’s Public Affairs team is monitoring how these changes may impact association priorities over the coming months. A number of issues currently facing Kellen clients across the policy space include:
New priorities for the Trump Administration and Republican-controlled Congress, such as Medicaid work requirements, restructuring of federal agencies, and reforming Affordable Care Act coverage. Access to abortion and drug pricing may also be a policy issues
Changes in Congressional leadership, including on committees that influence healthcare policy, such as the House Ways & Means and the Energy & Commerce Committees and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Finance Committees
Read more in our latest edition of Capital Compass.
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Anticipated deregulation at independent agencies such as the SEC and EPA, as well as major policy reversals at certain Cabinet agencies such as the DOE, Treasury, and HHS
The upcoming business tax debate considering the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sunset coming in 2025, as well as the new likelihood of high import tariffs levied on foreign goods
Increase in state legislature activities, particularly related to chemical approvals, as well as controls on “forever chemicals” in packaging and consumer products
Appointment of key Cabinet members and appointed positions at federal agencies, particularly those agencies which were implementing key priorities of the Biden administration via rulemaking or sub regulatory guidance during the two-year period of Congressional gridlock
Potential impact on the re-organization of the Department of Health & Human Services, particularly the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes for Health, including funding, staffing, and re-prioritization
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